Cone Balls

A phantom generation package for cone beam CT geometries.

  • Free software: GNU General Public License v3
  • Documentation: []


The author of this package is in the process of setting up this package for optimal usability. The following has already been completed:

  • [ ] Documentation

    • Documentation has been generated using make docs, committed, and pushed to GitHub.
    • GitHub pages have been setup in the project Settings with “master branch /docs folder”.
  • [ ] An initial release

    • In, a release date has been added to v0.1.0 (change the YYYY-MM-DD).
    • The release has been marked a release on GitHub.
    • For more info, see the Software Release Guide.
  • [ ] A conda package

    • Required packages have been added to, for instance,

      requirements = [ ]

      Has been replaced by

      requirements = [
    • All “conda channels” that are required for building and installing the package have been added to the Makefile. Specifically, replace

      conda_package: install_dev
        conda build conda/


      conda_package: install_dev
        conda build conda/ -c some-channel -c some-other-channel
    • Conda packages have been built successfully with make conda_package.

    • These conda packages have been uploaded to Anaconda.

    • The installation instructions (below) have been updated.

Getting Started

It takes a few steps to setup Cone Balls on your machine. We recommend installing Anaconda package manager for Python 3.

Installing with conda

Simply install with:

conda install -c cicwi cone_balls

Installing from source

To install Cone Balls, simply clone this GitHub project. Go to the cloned directory and run PIP installer:

git clone
cd cone_balls
pip install -e .

Running the examples

To learn more about the functionality of the package check out our examples folder.

Authors and contributors

  • **Allard Hendriksen ** - Initial work

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

How to contribute

Contributions are always welcome. Please submit pull requests against the master branch.

If you have any issues, questions, or remarks, then please open an issue on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 - see the file for details.